Publicações da palavra-chave: News

10 Ways to Improve Your Graphic Design Workflow

Quam pellentesque nec nam aliquam sem et. Venenatis urna cursus eget nunc. Aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque in dictum non consectetur a. Massa placerat duis ultricies lacus sed. Arcu non sodales neque sodales ut. Proin fermentum leo vel orci porta non pulvinar neque. Enim nunc faucibus a pellentesque sit amet. Aliquam faucibus purus in massa tempor. In eu mi bibendum neque egestas congue quisque. Vitae …

How Digital Technology Has Affected the Art World

From the invention of the camera to Instagram, digital technology has had a profound impact on the art world. Pablo Picasso once said, “Everything you can imagine is real.” With digital technology, we can now create and share our artistic visions with the world in ways never before possible. Whether it’s using Photoshop to create a masterpiece or posting a selfie on Instagram, digital technology …

What is Artificial Intelligence and Why Everyone Should Start Using it Now

Artificial intelligence, also known as AI, is a term used to describe technology that allows machines to learn and work on their own. In other words, it is a way for computers to become smarter and carry out tasks that would otherwise be difficult or impossible for humans. While the concept of AI has been around for many years, it is only recently that its …

Let’s Host a Virtual Painting Party

What could be more fun than getting together with your friends to paint? How about doing it from the comfort of your own home, in your pajamas? That’s right – we’re going to have a virtual painting party! Grab your paints, brushes, and canvas and join us for a little creativity and fun. We’ll provide the inspiration, you provide the artistry! Since we can’t all …

What Art Teachers Should Really be Teaching You

What comes to mind when you hear the word “art?” Is it painting, drawing, sculpting, or maybe photography? While all of these art forms are important and can be taught in school, there is so much more to learn about art. In fact, there are dozens of different types of art out there and most people only know a few. So what should Art Teachers …