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The desire to understand the subjective documental image is not a direct or assertive process about something we see. Baches meditates upon intersections of human relationships. It all happens in one single environment with people who do not think about speaking for photography.

It could be about somebody’s life, about some of us. Part of life happens through the desire of feeling the sense of moving through time, of leaving one homeland and creating another. Through things that fly, the story of a family kernel is diverted.

Baches is about the possibilities of what existed (or did not exist) in the story’s own nature. The narrative is a winding possibility, in which the gaps stumble on silence, fall amidst photographs, among people. Baches breathes because the story does not end; it becomes an image to blow the renewed air of those who need to dive deeply into family memories.

Edited by Alexandre Belém and Georgia Quintas, Baches is the first photobook from the photographer Montserrat Baches (1954).

ISBN: 978-85-68804-01-8
Publisher: Olhavê, 2015
500 copies, signed and numbered
48 pages, 26 photos
Editing: Alexandre Belém and Georgia Quintas
Design: Yana Parente
Editorial coordination: Alexandre Belém
Print: Ipsis
Price: USD 25.00 + Shipping

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