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Day/Month/Year – 26/04/2007
Place/Country – Raso da Catarina – Bahia – Brazil

Brief Caption Information – Reportage held in March and April of 2007. The goal was showing the effects of global warming already visible in the Northeast of Brazil. Have traveled more than 10 thousand kilometers, and six states for the implementation of the report.
In this photograph:
The Raso of Catarina, in the desert of Bahia, is one of the most dry place in the country. Water is a scarce product and the cowboys who spend several days in the caatinga (name of the vegetation of the site), something even more difficult to achieve.
In times of drought the cowboy uses the vegetation known as croata, which accumulates water from the rain, to kill the seat.
In the picture, cowboy Afonso Santos cut with his knife a croatá and put the water on his leather hat, to relieve the seat.

Publication – Jornal do Commercio

Date of the first publication – 05/06/2007


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